Hanen It Takes Two to Talk - Follow Her Lead Play
There are many options for play - wait to see what she chooses.
Working on some follow your lead play to develop early language with a new friend means getting out the bus and farm. Sometimes the animals drive the bus! Silly and engaging scenarios make therapy fun and sparks language and social reciprocity in play.
Observe Wait & Listen
Get out some toys and watch what your child does? Does she go to one specific toy? Is she not interested? Follow her lead in choosing a toy- get one of your own and join in her play whatever it is. It might be subtle so watch.
Take the time to wait for her reaction. Let her decide what to do. This is hard! Don’t rush, let her choose. Show her your interest but give her space to do what she wants.
Listen to her. Does she say words or approximations of words? make animal noises? Join in by repeating and modeling language related to her play. But don’t get carried away remember she is leading.
Look out the sheep is driving the bus!
Play provides the opportunity for language learning. Show your interest and let the interaction go from there.
Remember it may be you who is the most engaging play option.