Hello, my name is Janet Marron.
I’m a private practice pediatric speech-language pathologist. I’m happy you are here.
Speech therapy is a second career for me. I first trained as an environmental scientist and worked for federal, state, and non-profit organizations. Then I took time off for family. My husband and I raised three delightful children while living in North Carolina.
I’m an experienced speech-language pathologist and have provided services to many clients from babies to young adults including those with autism spectrum disorder, Downs Syndrome, cerebral palsy, dyslexia, cleft lip and palate, tongue tie, childhood apraxia of speech, developmental delays, social or pragmatic language delays, sensory processing disorders, fluency disorder and difficulty with feeding.
I have pursued specialized training, mentored graduate speech therapy students, developed and presented parent education seminars, and collaborated with speech pathologists, occupational therapists, teachers, and physicians. This is a picture of me with one of my favorite friends from NC.
“We love Janet Marron!
Janet Marron has been my son, Jake’s speech therapist for 8 years. The only reason we stopped working with Janet is because she moved. Janet has been an important part of team Jakie.
Janet has helped Jake in so many ways. Janet has helped Jake increase his language, how to have conversations with others, understand WH questions, appropriate space when speaking to others & making eye contact when speaking to others. The list goes on and on.
We will miss Janet!”
I am fortunate to have training in all of the programs listed below. I use these programs to develop individualized treatment plans for each child. I continue to attend new training to stay current on assessment and treatment strategies so I can provide the best therapy for my clients.
Hanen It Takes Two to Talk - Certified
Hanen - Teaching Tuning In; Connecting the Dots: Social Communication, Behaviour and Friendship
DIR Floortime
Zones of Regulation
Social Thinking Curriculum - Across the Home and School - The ILAUGH Model, Assessment and Core Treatment Strategies for Home and School, Stories and Play
Picture Exchange Communication (PECS) Level I and II
Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP)
J. Scott Yaruss - School Age Stuttering Therapy
PROMPT Method Bridging
Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol
Lindamood Visualizing and Verbalizing
Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing (LIPS)
Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding, Food Scientists, Special Populations, Feeding the Child on the Autism Spectrum, Feeding the 6-16 Month-Old Child
Oral Placement Therapy for Speech Clarity and Feeding Skill Development
Catherine Shaker Pediatric Swallowing and Feeding: The Essentials
UNC Food, Function and Feeding: A Collaborative Approach to Feeding Difficulties
Palin Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (Stammering)
My Philosophy
My therapy plans are child-centered, individualized and flexible to find the right evidenced-based treatment method that works best for your child.
I love this work! I enjoy implementing scientific practices to achieve results and strive to make my sessions fun. I write detailed evaluation reports, plans of care and progress notes for all clients and share these with physicians to complete the continuum of care. I also collaborate with and provide support to family, caregivers, teachers and physicians and other professionals to provide a team approach to all speech and feeding goals. My goal is to provide education so parents can be partners in their child’s therapy.
Call or email me and we can get started working together to help your child learn and grow.
I hold a Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and Speech-Language Pathology licenses in Michigan and North Carolina.
I am a member of the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA), the Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) special interest group and the Michigan Speech-Language and Hearing Association (MSHA).